The Making of a Star (DanIEL 12:3)
PRAYER: Make This Bold Confession To The Lord From A Guilty And Sincere Heart (Rom 10:9-10)
Oh, Father! I come before you this moment with all my burdens, curses, sins and transgressions. I am a sinner am sorry for all the sins I have committed against you knowingly and unknowingly. My hands are soaked with blood, my heart full of bitterness and malice and my past is terrible. Lord help me out of this pit, forgive me my sins and wash me with your precious blood, deliver me lord from my captors and the prison gates of oppression over my life, save my soul from the power of religion, false doctrines, curses and condemnation of the devil. I deny myself and denounce my sins before you lord and witnessed by the holy spirit and angels. I believe* we died together and were raised up together from the grave. You have given me power to rule and dominate over sin (Lk 10:19, Rom 6:14). Yoke of sin be broken! Jesus! Be my lord and savior forever. I am born again to reign in life, to serve the lord in Truth and in Spirit. And to become a member of the generation of stars for Jesus.
I vow never to return to my vomit like dogs will do in JESUS name Amen.
Welcome to Godly Family. Congrats!
Salvation could be defined as God’s ordained escape route to all satanic assaults and oppressions of the devil. Unfortunately, too many believers are not saved, due to the manipulations of religion or false doctrines which leaves them with fake comfort. Religion by itself is the principal tool satan is using to destroy the church in our days. For instance, the misconception of being a Christian because our parents or grandparents used to take us to a church, while we were tender, having attended certain moral classes, showing respect to elderly, acting as a philanthropist or attending a big church over the years. All these attributes are a display of good character expected in our communities, and mostly of Christians. However, we only become a Christian if we deny ourselves by acknowledging the death and resurrection of Jesus, and that we were raised together with Him, and ascended together with Him by the Holy Ghost. (Eph1:20-21). True Christians have received, believed the word and their lives solely depend on it for all things. Christianity is not a religion, but a genuine relationship of Love with the only son of God and the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:14). If we truly attach value to the bishop of our souls and creator, we would definitely make time like the apostles to deny ourselves for Him (Rom1:16, Acts 10;38). Genuine Christianity qualifies all to eternal life, and gives us assurance to meet with the father in eternity.
The Master Key of Life
Knowledge generally plays an indispensable role in everyone’s success. The lack of knowledge be it, intellectual, environmental, psychological, or spiritual could be the reason why we are still in the same position. However, the greatest form of wisdom could only be obtained from God’s word (Job 28:12- 23). In fact, the lack of God’s wisdom in our hearts gives advantage to the devil over us (Isaiah 60:1-3). Get up from sleep and refuse to continue in ignorance (Ps 82:5, Hos 4:6). The word of God gives direction to the lost, restores hope to the depressed, and peace to the broken hearted (Joel 2:25). Unfortunately, many religious folks may think the church is a place of fun fare, where we could sing, dance, recite prayers, gossip, slander etc. Howbeit, God’s kingdom on earth. Zion is a place of warfare ordained for the saints to maximize destiny through encounters in praises, visions, revelations by the spirit of the word. (Heb 12:22-24, Ps 133:1-2). Except we are taught His ways, we would be limited in knowledge to access our portion from the father. We need to know the power in the name JESUS to have our prayers answered.
“satan” the Enemy Exposed!
It is absolutely important for everyone to understand that there is some hidden person behind all the pains, sufferings, mishaps, sicknesses diseases, curses, suicide, murder, stagnation and all forms of wickedness experienced in our days. This individual, is not a physical entity but carries on his operations through human imaginations and thoughts, and takes advantage of our ignorance to be rooted in our minds, thereby ruling over our lives, producing actions which maybe regretted later, his name is satan/lucifer with different nicknames, branches or kingdoms designed to bring all men and their enterprises to nought. Unfortunately, after 2000 years of Christ’s resurrection, a greater majority still point accusing fingers to loved ones; grandparents, neighbors, etc for their misfortunes. Some other category would blame their ancestors and call them names like witches and wizards or other strange opinions about their conditions, homes or villages. Most are still in the journey of trying to find out the root cause of their problems. However, the bible makes it clear that the source of man’s predicament and everlasting enemy for our lives and destiny is satan (Jn 10:10).